Copy & Paste job, also known as Ad Posting is one of the most amazing way of making money online. this work simply includes copying and pasting of contents on some classified websites like,,, etc. The content that needs to be copied is provided by the company and also the list of classified websites will be provided by the company. All you need to do is spend time Posting Ads on the classified websites. Since this opportunity is purely a Job, you get paid for every single Ad posting done by you.

How does the concept work?

Every company does advertising and marketing to increase their sales. For which they Run ads in newspapers, televisions, bulk sms, bulk emails, banners etc. These companies incur huge expenses. Since advertising on classified websites is totally free, these companies prefer to post their ads on these free classified websites. However they do not prefer spending their time posting ads on these classified websites as its time consuming. So we take the work of Ad posting for them on contract basis. We get paid per Ad posted for these companies, and to do this work we recruit members. The members is paid an agreed amount per Ad as per the contract.

What work do I have to do?
As mentioned earlier you need to post ads. All you have to do is copy the contents of advertisement provided by us and paste it on various classified websites. The list of websites where the ads has to be posted will also be given to you. you will also be given a Ad posting guide which will guide you how to post ads on these websites. before joining please note that it is very essential to have the basic knowledge of English & Internet. If you do not, then you are not eligible to join this compnay.

Who will provide the advertisement matter and the list of classified websites?
The advertisement matter can be downloaded from your member login area. your username and password will be mailed to you after activation. and the list of classified websites is also available in the member login area. 

I have never posted ads before.. Do you think i can do this? 
Yes.... Classified websites look like online registration forms. All you have to do is copy the content of the ad and paste it into the form. some websites you can post ads without registering and on some websites you need to register before posting ads. More detailed information on ad posting will be provided to you in the Ad Posting guide which will be provided to you after registration. See some examples below.

How does the company know whether I have posted the advertisement or not? 
After the ad has been successfully posted on these  websites, you will see a link in the address bar of the browser. all you need to do is copy the link and mail it to the company. sometimes the link is sent to the email id that is used for registration on those websites. That’s how the company will come to know that the link is genuine and the ad has been posted by you. (more information will be provided in the ad posting guide)

Do I have to pay any membership fees?
Yes... We have 2 different packages
AD POST TRIAL PACKAGE = Rs 1000/-      (1 Year)
AD POST STANDARD PACKAGE = Rs 2500/-    (Lifetime Validity)

Note: The Membership fee will be Rs 1650/- for Trial package and Rs 3750/- for the Standard package effective from 12th March 2013.

How much can I earn per month? 
You get paid per Ad posting. That is Rs 1/- per Ad .  In the Trial Package, you can earn upt0 9000/- per month. And with the Standard package, you can earn upto Rs 22500/- per month.

Are there any targets for posting ads? 
No...There are no targets. We pay you per ad post. This means if you post 200 ads on a particular day, you earn Rs 200/- for that day, the next day suppose you post 50 ads, you earn Rs 50/- and so on. the payments are done once in a week. In a day you can post maximum 300 ads with the Trial Package and Maximum 750 ads a day with the Standard Package.

When do I get paid?
Payments are done every 7 days.  That`s on the 1st, 8th, 15th & 22nd of every month. The ads posted between 1st till 7th are paid on 8th. Ads posted from 8th till 14th are paid on 15th and so on.

For further details and Registration Form click on below: